You'll have some new titles to bestow upon your god-children, too, like God of War or God of the Dead, depending on their stats. Just be careful about creating too many magical godbabies. Just like in the vanilla game, family members can get jealous when it comes to what they stand to inherit, and you probably don't want a bunch of demigods out there plotting against you.
The Nerevarine Cult, associated mostly with the Urshilaku Ashlanders, believes that the Tribunal, the three god-kings Vivec, Almalexia and Sotha Sil, are false gods whose power is stolen from Heart of Lorkhan. Instead of worshipping the Tribunal, the cult is devoted to a mortal leader who died of his wounds after victory in the Battle of Red Mountain: Lord Indoril Nerevar. Vivec was his lieutenant, Almalexia was his queen, and Sotha Sil was his wizardly adviser. The cult also believes that, in the end, Nerevar will return in a new incarnation (the Nerevarine or Incarnate) to reunite the Dunmer and bring down the gods they see to be false. The cult's most prevalent belief is that the Tribunal morally betrayed Nerevar by going against his dying wishes and advice to not take the power of the Heart, an artefact of ultimate evil. Because of this evil, all the good that they do with their stolen power will eventually be undone or corrupted and they are doomed to weaken and fail over time. Dagoth Ur, however, will become stronger as he uses the same stolen powers for evil, the true purpose of the Heart.
ck2 gods mod
The Tang Mo religion, known as "Thousand-Thousand Wheels of the Thousand Monkeys" or more simply "Thousand Monkeys," is based upon the belief that a thousand great monkey-gods in the stars each spin a thousand wheels, and each wheel can drastically distort even the clearest paths of destiny. Life is an unpredictable, unstable journey, and death is a sanctum of eternal stasis and peace. There are many Tang Mo temples and shrines that act as cult centers for different deities, but Thousand Monkey orthodoxy stresses that all of their gods are equal, no matter what roles they play.
Many of the deities of the Pantheon of the Thousand Monkeys have devout cults, but Bhut, the Tang Mo god of storms, the sea, and fertility, is by far one of the most popular. Many of Bhut's devotees believe that because of his status as a fertility god, he is the progenitor of his brethren and the Tang Mo themselves. Due to his status as the god of the sea, his worshippers content that he guides and connects the people of the Thousand Monkey Isles more than any other. Bhut cultists insist that for these reasons, he is unquestionably the most important of their gods and the most deserving of worship.
The religious and cultural practices of the Maormer, as laid down and (for millennia) led by the God-King Orgnum, last of the Aldmeri, the race of Trinimac and Auri-El. They follow what they believe to be the original Aldmeri traditions and beliefs as interpreted by Orgnum and the six schools of Pyandoneaic philosophy. Their primary gods are Auri-El, Trinimac, Anui-El, Magnus, Syrabane, Meridia and Orgnum.
The Islanders of Quey discreetly worship a small collection od Daedric Princes who they deem to be the inexplicable true gods of Nirn. These Quey gods play the deities of other races against each other in order to further their unfathomable goals. Each island of the Quey has numerous names for each Prince, but they are commonly known in Tamriel as Hermaeus Mora, Sheogorath, Vaermina, Nocturnal and Mephala. The Quey serve the Daedra in order to gain personal power and fully accept that their gods are malevolent. For how insignificant is a mortal's desire when compared to a god's? Of the Princes, Hermaeus Mora is by far the most popular. He is personified by the local Quey Kraken, a creature almost as elusive and powerfull as the Inevitable Knower himself. 2ff7e9595c